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Revitalized Skin With ProCell Therapies

What is ProCell?

Before ProCell, the world of microchanneling wasn't taken advantage of as much as it should have been. Surgical-quality material just wasn't up to par. Taking a more hands-on approach, innovating the technology for ProCell consistently without making any compromises on customer service.

ProCell is perfect for anyone looking for a safe, effective way to change the appearance of their skin hassle-free. Whatever your skincare needs might be, there is a solution for everyone in the ProCell range including Post Treatment Hydrating Masks, Microdelivery Serums, Hair Regrowth Serum, and even numbing cream.

How Can ProCell Help You?

Restoration is the ultimate goal of ProCell. The therapeutic technology is not about replacing your skin. Instead, it's about using what's there to make you even better.

The device uses micro-tips to tap channels or micro-injuries into the skin, stimulating the healing process from the surrounding healthy tissue. Just a single pass of ProCell can create thousands of these channels, which the skin responds to by initiating collagen production.

With time and a repeated healing process, ProCell encourages rejuvenation of your skin, leaving it healthier, smoother, and restored.

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